What is Tidal Stream Energy?

The world’s tides are generated by the gravitational pull of the moon and sun, alongside the earth’s rotation.

This tidal energy can be captured and converted into electricity using innovative technologies, pioneered in Europe. These advanced machines harness the continuous movement of tidal streams to produce electricity. A group of tidal turbines can also be known as a ‘tidal array’ or ‘tidal farm’.

About Tidal Energy

Due to the natural ebb and flow of the tide, tidal energy is highly predictable, allowing for accurate forecasting days, years and decades in advance, bolstering energy security. Given the abundant tidal resources surrounding around our shores, tidal energy can significantly reduce reliance on fossil fuel by providing a clean, reliable alternative, and feed into the EU’s ambitious goal of reaching 40GW of installed ocean energy by 2050.

Tidal energy production is poised for strong growth in the coming years, as an increasing number of larger projects feed electricity into the grid, powering homes and businesses across Europe and the globe.

The SEASTAR project will benefit the entire tidal energy sector globally by:

Showcasing industrial-scale manufacturing and operational techniques from design to deployment.

Addressing environmental evidence gaps & developing monitoring solutions to streamline permitting for future tidal farms.

Reinforcing UK-EU Collaboration to Create High-Quality Green Jobs

Enhancing Europe’s position in the global marine energy supply chain.