In an era facing unprecedented environmental challenges and a climate crisis, the SEASTAR project is committed to leading by example, delivering sustainable innovation in tidal energy. The imperative to safeguard our planet for future generations and produce clean energy has never been more urgent. Business as usual is no longer an option.
SEASTAR aims to set the standard for the generation of clean energy, integrating sustainability principles into every aspect of the project, including:
Technology Innovation: Demonstrating the feasibility and benefits of large-scale tidal energy generation.
Environmental Responsibility: Minimising environmental impact by considering sustainability at every stage - from turbine design through to operation and maintenance. Environmental monitoring is carried out simultaneously to increase understanding of tidal energy on biodiversity.
Clean Energy: Contributing to global efforts to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and transition to a low-carbon economy by lowering the cost of energy from the tides.
Community Engagement: Actively involving local communities and stakeholders to ensure their needs and perspectives are integrated into the project.
Strong Governance: Ensuring transparency in all project activities and decision-making processes.
Environmental Sustainability
The SEASTAR project recognises that the health of our environment is critical to the survival and well-being of all species, including humans, and is dedicated to contributing to environmental sustainability through:
Conducting rigorous environmental assessments to identify and mitigate potential impacts, ensuring our activities do not harm marine habitats and species, minimising their environmental footprint and projecting biodiversity.
Promoting the principles of ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’, through using sustainable materials and innovative recycling to minimise waste and resource consumption.
Carrying out rigorous environmental monitoring to understand how our tidal turbines interact with the marine environment and sharing the results of this monitoring widely to help progress the industry in an environmentally responsible manner.
By prioritising sustainability, the SEASTAR project aims to make a lasting positive impact on the environment and society.